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Animal Health Certificate Eu

EU Animal Health Certificate: A Vital Document for Pet Travel

Essential for Non-Commercial Pet Movement

An EU animal health certificate is a crucial document for the non-commercial movement of pets within the European Union. This certificate serves as proof that the animal has been vaccinated and is free from any contagious diseases.

Requirements and Obtaining the Certificate

To obtain an animal health certificate, pet owners must take their animal to an authorized veterinarian. The veterinarian will examine the animal, confirm its vaccination status, and issue the certificate. The certificate must be completed at least 10 days before travel and is valid for 10 days from the date of issuance.

Required for Specific Countries

An animal health certificate is required for pet owners traveling to specific countries within the EU, including Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and Finland. These countries have strict animal health regulations in place to prevent the spread of diseases.

Importance for Animal Health

Animal health certificates play a vital role in ensuring the health of both pets and livestock. By verifying vaccination status and screening for diseases, these certificates help prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into new areas.


For pet owners planning to travel with their companions within the EU, obtaining an animal health certificate is a mandatory requirement. This document not only meets legal requirements but also safeguards the well-being of animals and the health of communities they visit.
