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Collective Nouns For Animal Groups

Unique and Funny Names for Groups of Animals

Collective Nouns for Animal Groups

When referring to a group of animals, specific terms are often used to describe their collective behavior. These terms, known as collective nouns, can be both unique and amusing.

Common Collective Nouns

Some widely recognized collective nouns include:

  • A flock of birds
  • A herd of cattle
  • A pack of dogs
  • A school of fish

Amusing Collective Nouns

Beyond these common terms, numerous collective nouns exist that evoke a sense of playfulness or surprise.

  1. An unkindness of ravens
  2. A business of ferrets
  3. An ostentation of peacocks
  4. A murder of crows


The world of animal collective nouns offers a fascinating glimpse into the richness and diversity of language. From the familiar to the surprising, these terms serve not only as descriptive tools but also as a testament to the playful creativity inherent in human speech.
